Friday, September 28, 2012

Crazy,Not So Lazy Days

Wow, what a week! There is so much that happened, and I'm not sure where to begin. Here is the bullet-point version.

Awesome Things That Happened This Week:
-I got my new glasses-I can see!
-I received a hand-me-down climbing harness kind of out of the blue, that just happens to be exactly my size! (Yeah I was that chic walking around school on Tuesday with a random climbing harness because it wouldn't fit in my backpack)
-I got my hair cut, I love my new hair style!
- I Got to go shopping with a friend and I got a cute new sweater. Yay for cute new clothes! (P.S.To the guy I made eye contact with at the checkout. It's totally cool that you were buying a loofah along with your action film. I get it you can't enjoy a good film without exfoliating your skin first, I can totally relate)

Not So Awesome Things That happened This Week:
- My little brother had to get 16 stitches in his leg (If you are wondering how this applies to me it is because when any of my siblings has to go to the ER it usually throws a wrench in every-bodies schedules and it's never really fun to see the inside of your brother's leg)
-We had ANOTHER pop quiz in British lit. class
-I am totally stuck on how to finish my finale essay for Beowulf and somehow manage to keep it under 1,000 words

So enough about me, what about you? What was good about your week? What was bad about it? I encourage you to comment below. Have a great weekend everybody!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Music Monday

Happy Monday Everybody :). I hope your weekend was awesome, I know mine was :).
So I am a BIG fan of listening to music and today I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Monday tunes. Check them out :)
-This That and Life (David Choi)
-California (Hawk Nelson)
-Be OK (Ingrid Michaelson)
-Can't Stop Singing (Seth Condrey)
-God is Alive (Steve Free, Eddie Kirkland, The Bigstuf Band)
-Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go) (Noisettes)
-Manic Monday (Relient K)
-You Never Let Go (Stellar Kart)
-Activate (Stellar Kart)
-All Around The World (Justin Bieber)
-Good Morning (Norah Jones)
-Misery Business (Paramore)
-haven't Met You Yet (Micheal Bubl`e)

Have a good day :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's almost the weekend!

Hey everybody, I just came across this pic. Check it out:

There is so much I don't understand about this photo but i have my guesses. What do you think is going on in this pic? 
Lol anyways hope everyone had a good week, mine was unusually slow but thankfully I get a little bit of a longer weekend!  Around here the County Fair has arrived so school and sports are cancelled on Thursday and Friday so everyone can hang out at the fair. I defiantly plan on getting my fill of  Kettle corn, dangerous rides, those weird furry hats that everyone seems to always be wearing and of course cotton candy! Hope to see you there :)
 Till next time feel free to comment and tell me what is going on in this photo. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Started A Blog!

Hi everybody!
This is the very true, real and sometimes weird story of me. This blog is going to chronicle my senor year of high school and all of it's glory. I am really excited about this; I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and can't wait to share it with you. So here it is, my blog!
Till next time here are some pics from the last year, that were taken with my web cam: